We charge for advertising by the number of impressions you wish to purchase. At the side of everypage you will see a banner, everytime this banner is viewed an impression is made.
The costs are as follows:
- 30,000 impressions - $30
Minimum of 9 calendar days in rotation
- 75,000 impressions - $60
Minimum of 23 calendar days in rotation
- 150,000 impressions - $100
Minimum of 45 calendar days in rotation
Payments can only be made by Paypal by using the form below. In order to make payment you need to have your advertising banner designed and ready for viewing after submition of the below form.
The number of days your advert will stay up depends on the number of other advertisers at that time and obviously how many people are looking at the site. We do
limit the number of times at person sees each banner to 3, meaning that more people see your banner, not the same person over and over again.