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The Webcomic List Interviews  
Below are all the interviews that The Webcomic List has had it's crafy little hand in. If you have a suggestion for a possible interview then please tell DocM.

Josh of Punks and Nerds
Tonight, I, interview Josh Mirman, the Messiah of "Punks and Nerds". We talk about global guts, double dare 200,  and an intense rivalry in the making.  Also, I am amazing.  All fan mail, or lack thereof, and requests, goes to

Interview with Kilika from
Kilika, a webcomic creator, has started the first surfing comic on the net.  He’s an awesome guy, so I tried to get an interview with him.  Check out his comic, at

Stuff Sucks Interview
The creator of Stuff Sucks, Liz Greenfield, has been so kind to spare some time for a few questions about creating a webcomic, life as an artist and Dorito brownies.

1944: Interview of Eons
The comic known as 1944: Tide of Eons has been interviewed by yours truly. The author and illustrator of the comic, Daryl Spaulding, has been a good sport, allowing us to complete this interview.

Interviewus Now
Exterminatus Now creators Garry Webber, Stuart Edney, Martin Faulkner and Alan Graham have left their comic for a few hours to answer this quad interview...

Sorry for the Interview
Sorry for the Inconvenience creator Roland van Duijn has found time from his beer swilling, card playing adventures to give us some time to answer some questions.

Bored and Talkative
The comic known as Bored and Evil has asked for an interview. The creators Robert Koch and Steve Napierski have been kind enough to do a double interview. Thanks to them both, read on for more information...

Lo Jonti, Lo Chris
Weebls-stuff and Weebl and Bob creators Jonti Picking and Chris Vick have given some time out to do "the worst interview ever"...

Boy on an Interview and Slither
Boy on a Stick and Slither creator Steven L. Cloud has left the boy and the snake on their own to answer some questions for The Webcomic List...

Ryan North gives an Interview
Dinosaur Comics creator Ryan North has given some time away from the Dinosaurs to give us an interview...

Tim Buckley gives an interview...
This time round, the creator of Ctrl-Alt-Del Online, Tim Buckley, has spared some time away from his X-Box to give us an interview...

Dave Anez gives an Interview
The maker of Bob and George, Dave Anez, has kindly answered the questions asked by myself for The Webcomic List. Let's see the results...

An interview with Ali Graham, creator of HOUSD
Ali was kind enough to field some of our questions last week. If you've not heard of Ali before is he the creator of a wonderful comic called HOUSD. I suggest get a cup of coffee to sit and read this interview with as Ali has answered the questions brilliantly. If you don't know what HOUSD is, click here to visit the comic.

Little Gamers Interviewed
Christian and Madsen from Little Gamers have kindly taken a few minutes out of their busy Christmas schedules to be the first comic authors interviewed on The Webcomic List. I tried to keep the questions light hearted, and please note that some of them require a little knowledge of Little Gamers!

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