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Posted by DocM (profile) on 9 May 2005 at 7:05pm
Dinosaur Comics creator Ryan North has given some time away from the Dinosaurs to give us an interview...

1. What made you decide "Hey, I know, I will make a comic about talking dinosaurs!"?

Ryan North:
Desperation. I wanted to do a comic, but couldn't draw. So then I thought, WAIT, people don't know if dinosaurs actually moved or not! So that was my "in".

2. How do you feel knowing that many people read your comic daily?

Ryan North:
Gratifying and flattering! I'm glad people like my comics about talking dinosaurs on the internet.

3. How long does it take you to make a Dinosaur comic?

Ryan North:
Usually it takes about 2 hours to get the dialogue down. Then it can take a bit longer to get the title text the way I want, and I am ashamed to admit that I have spent time in the past fiddling with text-line alignments to get them to be "funnier". But it's true! SOMETIMES, it helps!

4. How long did it take you to design the dinosaurs we all know and love?

Ryan North:
Not that long, actually! I did the first template that totally sucked (you can see it here, so after realizing that it sucked, I walked away, flipped a few tables, came back and fixed it. I think I got really lucky because it seems to have worked!

5. What program do you use to make the Dinosaur comics?

Ryan North:
I use a combination of Photoshop and Paint. (Photoshop's straight lines are too fancy and clash with the strip, so Paint all the way, baybee)

6. Ever wanted to go to Jurassic Park?

Ryan North:
Would it not be the best ever? I never really had an interest in dinosaurs until I started the comic, but now I am interested in them. VERY interested. SEXUALLY interested.
Not really! But there are people who are. I looked them up once to see if I could find a picture of a T.rex and Utahraptor having sex and YEP, someone had thought of that first. Thanks, Internet!

7. Do you make comics on the spot or do you write the script first?

Ryan North:
I write a script first, but I've got the template memorized by now, so it's pretty much the same thing, I think!

8. Which dinosaur would you like to meet from the comic the most?

Ryan North:
I'm going to go with T-Rex. He'd be the most fun to hang out with, though Utah's no slouch. Dromiceiomimus would be nice and polite, and we'd have good times, but I'm worried I'd be thinking about T-Rex in the back of my head during our meeting, and that's not fair to me or to her.

9. Do you believe that Dinosaurs are extinct?

Ryan North:
Sure do! I have to, to not pay likeness royalties.

10. Last question, do you enjoy making the dinosaur comics for viewers?

Ryan North:
For - for viewers? I do, I guess! I make them for myself and for my viewers, and at the end, we all high-five each other. That's just the way it is!

11. Anything you want to add?

Ryan North:
Can I stress that the ravages of puberty leave no-one unscathed? Cause they totally do. Oh, also, people should go check out this page, the winner of our recent remix contest and maybe they'll like my other comic, too! It's called Whispered Apologies and it is at a secret address (that secret is here)

Well that ends the interview with Dinosaur Comics creator Ryan North. I would like to thank him for giving some time-out to tell us this.

See you later.

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