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Posted by DocM (profile) on 12 May 2005 at 1:05pm
Boy on a Stick and Slither creator Steven L. Cloud has left the boy and the snake on their own to answer some questions for The Webcomic List...

1. Are you or are you not... cool?

Steven Cloud:
I'm a cartoonist. Need I say more?

2. Where did you come up with the idea of "Boy on a Stick and Slither"?

Steven Cloud:
I didn't have a complete idea of what the strip would be when I began. I just decided to create a new comic strip and started drawing. I think BOASAS has evolved to it's current state and will hopefully continue to evolve as long as I keep drawing it.

3. Are they made up characters or based on people you know?

Steven Cloud:
The characters are arbitrary and the result of a doodle in one of my sketch books. I suppose you could say both characters are me. They talk about what I like to talk about and make jokes that I think are funny.

4. What program do you use to create the comic?

Steven Cloud:
Adobe Illustrator and a two-button mouse.

5. Favourite drink?

Steven Cloud:

6. Do you like making the comic or do you feel it takes up some free time?

Steven Cloud:
There are very few things I enjoy more than drawing comics. I wish I cold spend more time making comics. When I first started, I worried I wouldn't have time to do one comic a week. Now I'm up to three a week and I see no reason I couldn't do more. It's very addictive. I'll never stop drawing comics. It's too much a part of me. It's how I'm able to express myself. Not that I'm special in anyway. I think this is true for most cartoonists.

7. Do you have a job other than the comic?

Steven Cloud:
Currently I'm unemployed, but normally I work as a freelance art director for web marketing and design agencies. It's not the most satisfying work. My goal is to do BOASAS full time. (Please buy a t-shirt!)

8. How long does it take to make BOASAS?

Steven Cloud:
It varies from 1 to 4 hours per comic. Sometimes I'm inspired and crank 'em out lickety-split. Other times, I have a creative block and stare at the screen for hours.

9. Are the comics based on real conversations or made up ones?

Steven Cloud:
I would say the conversations are made up. Although, certain conversations I have with other people might inspire a comic.

10. Do you find Slither sexy in anyway?

Steven Cloud:
He is certainly the bad-ass of the strip. And I can see how others might be sexually aroused by his gruff cynacism, but for the record I'm not sexually attracted to either character.

11. Do you feel that the characters have grown more loveable as time progressed on?

Steven Cloud:
I think so. When I first created the strip, I didn't really know them. I knew that Boy on a Stick would be the optimist/naive character and Slither would be the pessimist/cynic, but that was the extent of it. Over the years I've developed a sense of what each character would and wouldn't say, but I still think there's room to grow their personalities. Also, I think the fact that they're both cute helps people like the strip even if they don't agree with the philosophy.

12. Last question, who would you rather meet: The Boy on the Stick or Slither?

Steven Cloud:
Honestly, I'd rather meet Garfield because that cat has a serious weight problem. I'd put Mr. Lasagna Butt on a low calorie diet and insure that he exercised regularly. It's unhealthy for any cat to be that much overweight. I'm surprised that he hasn't already developed feline diabetes.

Well that ends the interview with Boy on a Stick and Slither creator Steven L. Cloud. I would like to thank him for giving some time-out to tell us this.

Next time on DocM...

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