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Posted by DocM (profile) on 18 May 2005 at 3:05pm
Weebls-stuff and Weebl and Bob creators Jonti Picking and Chris Vick have given some time out to do "the worst interview ever"...

Wobbl and Bob DVD1
1. For all the new watchers, do you mind explaining what Weebl and Bob are all about?

Chris: It is about a guy called Weebl and his friend Bob.
Jonti: Weebl and Bob is about 2 and a half minutes on average. They like pie... and want it. Weebl rather likes the horse.
Chris: But they rarely have it.
Jonti: It is a vast on going Soap Opera.
Chris: They have an evil nemesis. Well, not evil.
Jonti: Well Weebl does.
Chris: Arch.
Jonti: Yes.
Chris: Wrong word there.
Jonti: Bob may have an Arch Nemisis though. But he's not the same as Weebl's.
Chris: It might be Weebl.
Jonti: It might be. But who can say? Not me.
Chris: Bob can.
Jonti: True dat.

2. Where did you both come up with the ideas for all the characters in the cartoons?

Jonti: At my desk.
Chris: Mostly at his desk. A few characters we did discuss together.
Jonti: Sometimes I like to take it up a notch and do it at someone elses desk.
Chris: He's the arty one, so I don't delve too much.
Jonti: It's true. I have art. Who did we come up with together? I think it was Hank the Pear.
Chris: Hand Boy.
Jonti: Ooh yeah.
Chris: Curds.
Jonti: Heh.
Chris: Angry Pierre.
Jonti: Pie Sat 1?
Chris: The turtle. The Mexican.
Jonti: Ah yes, the turtle.
Chris: Eggsy bit.
Jonti: Good stuff.
Chris: Quite a lot actually.
Jonti: Skoo is the creative one really. I just steal his work.
Chris: I throw loads of ideas at him until he finds the one that works.
Jonti: I'm like an internet raffles.

3. Are any of the characters based on anyone in particular?

Chris: Eggsy bit, obviously.
Jonti: Yes. Angry Pierre is based on a chap I met while inventing a new wine in France.
Chris + DocM: You invented a wine?
Chris: Hey, I'm the reporter here.
DocM: Sorry.
Chris: Heh.
Jonti: Yes I did make wine. Bubble Boy is based on this freaky kid I saw while watching a film in a park.
Chris: Was it shit?
Jonti: The film or the wine?
Chris: Either.
Jonti: The wine is world famous for being tasty and the film was shit. It was some musical thing but I couldn't hear a thing.
DocM: Grease?
Jonti: This kid was in the portaloos washing his hands for about an hour which I thought was funny.
Chris: I think I know why.
Jonti: Since the Portaloo was filthy anyway.
Chris: Portaloos tend to run out of toilet paper. So maybe he had to...
Jonti: Ew. That's pretty grim.

4. How long (roughly) does it take for you both to write a script for an episode?

Jonti: Ooh ages. We hone each sentence.
Chris: We start off brainstorming for a general theme and then refine it from one common theme into a few "maybes".
Jonti: Skoo often goes off on one but he comes up with the best lines.
Chris: If we did everything I wrote, Weebl and Bob would be a 45 minute sitcom.
Jonti: He's like an internet Raffles.
Chris: You need a new line.
Jonti: Erm. He's like an internet Hitler?
Chris: Try "if I am Michael Knight, he is my kitt."
Jonti: OK. What Skoo said. Some scripts take 5 minutes, for example, Joust did not.

5. Do you feel that making Weebl and Bob deprives you of free time?

Jonti: Sometimes. Sometimes it makes me cry. Only sometimes though.
Chris: Not me. I like doing it unless I am tired or hungry.
Jonti: Or you've had some bad news. Anyway, it's a living isn't it? So I guess it's work now, most of the time it's fun. Sometimes it's a struggle.
Chris: Not for me. Buy our DVD.
Jonti: Please buy our DVD.

6. Why does Bob not stand up to Weebl's might?

Jonti: We shouldn't answer this, Chris. Remember the plan.
Jonti: Good.

7. Do you like making Weebl and Bob?

Jonti: Wasn't this Question 5?
Chris: Dude.
DocM: Well...
Chris: This means they changed something in the Matrix.

9. To Chris: Do you like hurting peoples eyes with your cartoons / making them laugh with your cartoons of FUN?

Jonti: I declare this question a reverse track style one like in the racing games.
DocM: Right.
Jonti: What happened to question 8?
DocM: Erm. I... missed it.
Jonti: Is the fellow that made them dead?
Chris: Do I really hurt peoples eyes? I can't say I enjoy hurting people, can I?
Jonti: You can.
Chris: I like to entertain people, it is always nice when someone laughs at something I've done / said / written / sung / drawn.
Jonti: In this day and age, some people like that sort of thing. Being entertained. I blame Bush.
Chris: That's a political minefield, next question.

8. WHat are the downsides and upsides to the job?

Jonti: Argh, Timewarp! Are we trapped in a Moebius?
Chris: Upsides are being asked to talk at M.I.T.
Jonti: True. That was the first time we met.
DocM: Erm.
Jonti: Downside is AOL users.
DocM: I'm sorry to say this, but can we continue this another night?
Chris: Haha.
Jonti: Why? Itching for a wank?
DocM: I've been told to get off the P.C.
Chris: We're being ditched.
Jonti: How rude.

So we had an intermission for a bit. During this time Chris quoted on the fact that I must keep Question 8 in this interview or be sued for money. This intermission lasted until the 18th May. On the 18th May (after Jonti's birthday), we continued the interview.

7. REWIND --> Where did you get the inspiration of the characters from Weebls-stuff?

Jonti: I don't know to be honest. I'm very hungover. This is probably a bad time.
Chris: Or a very good time.
Jonti: Heh. I don't know what inspires the characters on Weebls-stuff. I guess it could be something someone says that sets it all off. Chris came up with the Demolition Squid that's for sure.
Chris: We're big fans of movie trailer spoofs.
Jonti: True that.
Chris: This is a rather poor answer.
Jonti: That and dancing.
Chris: It's hard to draw dancing. Wait. We've used this gag.
Jonti + DocM: When?
Chris: Mysterious Chicken. He couldn't paint hiding things.
Jonti: Oh yes.
Chris: That makes my answer a lie. Bollocks.
Jonti: Are your pants aflame?

10. Last question, who do you think would win in a fight... Weebl or Bob?

Chris: Oi. What happened to 8 and 9?
DocM: You've answered them! Remember, I wanted to change Question 7.
Jonti: I blame you for the confusion.
Chris: You are to blame, DocM.
Jonti: I think Weebl and Bob would never fight.
Chris: Only verbally.
Jonti: As they are the bestest of friends forever and ever.
DocM: What about Chris the Ninja Pirate versus Mr Stabby?
Jonti: Chris.
Chris: He is a trained Ninja.
Jonti: Mr Stabby is just batshit insane.
Chris: Chris also has a history of Piracy.
DocM: Yarr. That all?
Chris: Is there a Question 11? Or are we going to number 76 now?
Jonti: Wait, my grandma is calling me.
Chris: Curse you with your crazy question numbers.

11. Anything you would like to add?

Jonti: She want's to play Cribbage online.
Chris: Numbers.
DocM: Fear my question asking ability. So you would like to add "Numbers"?
Jonti: I'm going to have to get off the P.C so Granny can play.
Chris: I would like to add, this is one of the worst interviews I have EVER done.
Jonti: Heh. It is. It's a shambles.
Chris: And it's all your fault.
Jonti: You should be ashamed.
DocM: I was planing on doing it by e-mail.
Jonti: E-mail smells.
Chris: IRC Is the future! E-mail? More like E-Stale.
DocM: I've had 5 interviews done by e-mail.
Jonti: Yeah, get with the times.
Chris: Homeless are always e-mailing each other.
DocM: Nono, Tim Buckley and others.
Chris: I would also like to add that you can buy our DVD if you would like to help support the site, and keep us going. PLUG! PLUG!
DocM: You are one with the Matrix.
Chris: I know Kung-Fu.
DocM: Show me.
*Chris does Kung-Fu around The Webcomic List*
DocM: The interview is over. You can leave if you want.
Chris: I want.
*Jonti does Kung-Fu around The Webcomic List*
*Chris changes topic of the channel to "Gay."
*Jonti changes the topic of the channel to "Bum Tits."
DocM: Or stay and be buried.

So that concludes the shambles of an interview with Jonti Picking and Chris Vick. This goes to show what IRC does to make an interview look worse. I demand reperations for this interview.
So long!

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