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Posted by ash (profile) on 26 December 2004 at 5:12pm
Christian and Madsen from Little Gamers have kindly taken a few minutes out of their busy Christmas schedules to be the first comic authors interviewed on The Webcomic List. I tried to keep the questions light hearted, and please note that some of them require a little knowledge of Little Gamers!

1. First an important question to get us started. What is your favourite sandwich combination?

Chicken/cheese with Bacon and Curry dessing

Christian Says:
Anything involving roast beef and mustard.

2. How did you first get started making Little Gamers? Surely there must be some form of funny story behind this.

Mr.Madsen says:
Well, Christian; who is a weak boy and can't fight, started it alone in December 2000 in order to make fun of his friends that where living in his flat and smooching free food without getting a severe beating... that's pretty funny, eh ? .. I first jumped on the wagon after 3-5 months or something.

Christian Says:
Pretty much true, instead of beating them to bloody pulps since they were all living in my apartment and eating my food at one time or another I started the comic to ridicule them online. The ninjas are spawned out of my fridge, such things happen when you forget stuff in there and leave for Japan . Madsen jumped the wagon by accident when I had to go away on vacation. It was horrible as you can see.

3. Where do you get your inspiration from? Do you find it hard to update 5 times a week?

Mr.Madsen says:
There, just had to finish the sandwich... I get inspiration from everyday life, since I spend 15-20~ hours/Day online kindah, it's never hard to find something/someone to make fun of. So no, it's not hard to update 5 times/week at all. The art is mostly copy/past anyways, which gives me more time to find stuff to ridicule

Christian Says:
Madsen. No, he does all that work. I just hold the whip and the poking stick.

4. What are the characters based on, is it true that like Naku you're all midgets too?

Mr.Madsen says:
Characters, the original setup anyways are based on real people, the people who we hung out with when Christian started the comic.. some new ones that aren't really based on anyone specific have turned up during the years, but 80% are real people. And no, we're not midgets. It's just that a 5 year old looking dudes using bad words is more fun than my sorry face saying inappropriate things.

Christian Says:
They are not 5 year olds! They are adult, it's all part of my genius plan to make them look cute. If I would have drawn Madsen like he looks in real life we wouldn't have had a fan base, more likely we would have had a mob after us. More or less everyone in the comic are based on real life people. If not there are real life people based on the comic characters (yes you, mc browneye).

5. Now that you've published a book do you have plans to further take over the world with more merchandise?

Mr.Madsen says:
No, we only release shirts and shit cuz people want it, not to make money. All the merchandise we have is only there cuz of public demand. We both have fulltime jobs and LG is pure fun, when money gets involved shit start to stink. The book was just made cuz we both wanted to try it so that we have something to show for if/when all of this is over. We promote stuff of course, but only to the extent that the product pays for it self (like 350 pre-orders for the book and so on). A big part of what we make gets donated to stuff we like and support, and the rest we use to get our asses over to the states each year to meet fans.

Christian Says:
He said ass... hehe. We want to release some nice shirts, not for profit or just to plug the comic but nice shirts on their own. The money gets us over to the US to meet the fans. The rest Madsen spends on cheese.

6. What benefits come from running a successful webcomic? Is it true that it gets even gets ugly people laid?

Mr.Madsen says:
Benefits would be all the people you get to know and come in contact with, and another benefit is the feeling you get when someone tells you that they like what you do. If you get even bigger you start getting stuff for free, we're not there yet though. And about that "get ugly people laid", I wouldn't know, but judging from the way my girlfriend disses me for doing a comic in my spare time, I'd say "No, it wont even get you laid if you're nice looking"

Christian Says:
We are from Sweden . There are no ugly people here; we left them in England around 1000 AD.

7. What do you do when you're not doing comic related stuffs?

Mr.Madsen says:
Cover myself with tar and feathers and run down main street screaming "I'M KING OF DOLPHINS !!! *SQUEEEEEEK SQUEEEEEEEK* !! " No, seriously, I work as a programmer/designer at the largest online newspaper in Denmark , and do freelance when people are dumb enough to hire me .. and I play way to many games, FFXI in particular. Christian does the tar and feathers thing though, when he's not busy with running his own company as graphics designer.

Christian Says:
He forgot to say that we drink our precious absolut vodka every day.

8. Most comic artists love webcomics, which webcomics do you love out there and why?

Mr.Madsen says:
Most of us do yeah.. and, love ?.. I like some a lot, most of the ones I like the most are because it's people I know, that actually makes comics so much better.. namedrop shall I ?.. well, my most favourite ones are Machall / CAD / VGCats / Diesel Sweeties / Devstyle / Bunny and Filibuster.. that's the top of the cream if you ask me.. then there's a lot of other good ones, but these are the ones I enjoy the most anyways

Christian Says:
What he said. Especially CAD.

9. If you're playing Singstar what's your favourite song?

Mr.Madsen says:
I don't play, I only watch.. Yes, I'm one of those - I like to watch. Christian's favourite song is "The Ace of Spades" though, or so I heard.

Christian Says:
It's true; Madsen watches and make fun of people. BUT when he thinks no one sees him, he pole dances to his Best of Britney CD.

10. Anything else you want to add?

Mr.Madsen says:
Support Piracy and love each other.

Christian Says:
I would stay away from that love thing he relates to. It's all icky.

That concludes the interview! I'd again like to thank Christian and Madsen for being good sports. If you'd like to comment or discuss this interview then look no further and do so here

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