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Genre: Fantasy
Date Added: 15 January 2008
Last Update: 14 January 2008
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 978/26237
Views This Month: 1168   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 144   (More...)
Favourite of: 643 members
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

People who like this comic also like: Oops, Nevermind, Blade Kitten, Namesake, Freefall, Head Trip
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Meela is a young, orphaned lupian (a race of people with wolf-like features) who is struggling to survive on her own. A chance encounter on less than pleasant terms teams her up with Feral, another lupian who happens to be a mute as well as one of the best mercenaries in the land, and who is not quite so welcoming of her forced company as she would like to believe. Fun, danger and plenty of humorous situations follow the two on their wayward adventures, however the seemingly peaceful world they reside in is not quite the paradise that its reputation makes it out to be. When a taboo topic and a dark secret collide, it may unravel their already tattered lives and force each of them to face the reality of the truth, requiring each to make decisions that could alter their lives forever.

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The below opinions reflect the views of the users of this site and are not in any way the views of The Webcomic List.

Sherwin 5/5
This comic is complete at of August 2015. Very well done. Great artwork. Well worth your time.
Ryrical 5/5
This is such a fantastic comic, completely well done. From since I began reading the first page, I was sucked in, no means of desire to return to the real world, I had only the desire to continue reading. Cute friendship, but fantastic scenes. I\'m loving the flashbacks and dreams, very well done. If you\'re reading my comment, and haven\'t read this comic, you must go a read it right now! You have no idea of what you\'re missing out on!
Miluette 5/5
It\'s so nicely-done, and cute... it\'s even cute when there\'s blood involved!

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