Home » Comic Profiles » Catalyst
Kailin Anil is a fairly commonplace peasant girl who was blinded by the fever when she was six. Now, a decade later, her simple life revolves around the village, the mountains, her older brother Rune; and every once in a while, strange dreams which she can never really remember.
That is, until a band of soldiers shows up one day, and Kai' is snatched away by someone intent on protecting her - not for who she is or what she can do, but for what she has that makes her able to do them.
Current image by: butterfly-dragon
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skythorn |
updates ( march 6th 2015)
Most Recent Page: 457 - FIN - Wrapping up Loose Ends
Final update - Catalyst is complete!
And it only took me nine years! (When I started, my screen resolution size was 800x600!) It was impossible to fit everything I wanted to say into this tiny box, so I linked it all out to a different page, along with additional bits about the characters.
So what now? I\'m not sure. I\'ve had a long, dry spell. Which is a shame, because I\'ve been sitting on this fantastic script for years now. Its name is Shalott, and it was like the outpouring of all the nerdy jokes welling up inside me ever since I made the horrible decision of being a programmer drawing a fantasy webcomic. Also, robots.
Thank you to all of you for being patient, and for those who have sent complimentary and encouraging words. I hope you enjoyed my shoddy old webcomic! I look forward to seeing you somewhere else in the future. :)
- Crystal |
caracal-eyes |
Honestly, I just barely started reading this (page 25), so I guess that\'s why I have no idea of what\'s going on. Not that\'s it\'s a confusing read, clear enough so far, it\'s just that I\'m not very far in yet...
Anyhow. Really good artwork. The characters look quite interesting as well. I get the feeling that this might be one of those suspensful ones, like, where it switches from character to character at some really tense moments...could be wrong though. Like I said, not very far yet.
Anyhow, I like the style of the art as well. Sort of like it\'s been painted, but not difficult to make out or anything, and not sloppy either. \'S nice and different-looking.
=caracal= |
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