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Nip and Tuck

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Genre: Furry
Date Added: 22 November 2004
Last Update: 10 October 2013
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 1038/26237
Views This Month: 609   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 134   (More...)
Favourite of: 41 members
Status: Pattern Not Matching (?)

People who like this comic also like: Freefall, Penny Arcade, Outsider, Goblins, Slightly Damned
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Country brothers. Cute girls. Fast drivin'. Loud shootin'. high explosives. Nuff said.

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Vettyfunny 4/5
Nip and Tuck is my favorite out of RH Juniors set of comics, particularly because of its consistancy of being funny. The art fits well, the characters are fantastic, and it has a croud pleasing formula. But I belive it is losing a large portion of possible fanbase by being right-winged to the extreme. The guns, political incorrectness, and explosions are just fine. Infact, they make the comic what it is: fun! And its not so much his attacks on left-wing politicians, but his attacks on left-wing citizens. He portrays them as haters of freedom (the politians obviously are), uppity, and somewhat stupid. Belive me, the left-wing people arn\'t hatefull or stupid as the author portrays them (I\'m not left or right winged, or green or some stupid totilatarian or communist, dammit!!). But other than that, Nip and Tuck is a fine read. Recomended for ages 13+ (mild violence, mild language, mild sexual content, and innuendo\'s).
Seru317 5/5
this comic moved to
smileyfaceman 4/5
The archives are hilarious. Too bad the story lines take for-eve-eerr to finish.

One of those comics that is better when seen all at once than piece meal.

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