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Genre: Manga
Date Added: Before Time Began
Last Update: 20 May 2024
Current Comic Ranking: 1/26237
Views This Month: 5183   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 465   (More...)
Favourite of: 330 members
Status: Normal (?)

People who like this comic also like: Anti-Bishie, SHADOWBINDERS | Airships, Mecha and Mystery!, Looking for Group, Cut Loose, 20 Galaxies
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When two friends, Piro and Largo, get stuck in Japan, things can't seem to get much worse. Boy, were they wrong. Stranded with no money, Piro, the quiet artist with no self-confidence, who has the usual manga artist's weakness for girls in school uniforms, the only one who can speak Japanese, must find a job and look after Largo, the beer-guzzling, fantasy world L33t G4m3r. Together they meet up with old friends and enemies, make new ones, and deal with Dom's horrible stick-man fillers. A great comic drawn by a great artist.

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FireFrenzy 5/5
Only one way to say this, i liked this comic so much i started reading applegeeks for the crossovers on Hawks side (it was during one of the new page droughts)
Falken 5/5
Quinlan, you are referring to the fact that we had a small discussion about VG cats. (I hate it, he loves it), and that we both rated this comic too.

Its like 4 goddamned posts. I think you're looking a little too hard for something that doesn't exist.
Falken 5/5
Megatokyo is a strange comic indeed. people often read through the archives and get bored or annoyed with the change to manga more than humour. (Wheres teh funny?)

Personally, I love both styles, and my favourite strip is still a classic. Anyone here speak leet?
shramin 5/5
this comic has nice drawings is funny and has an element of reality and emotions to the figures. i really enjoy reading this comic and allways check for new work ^^
ChrusherComix 2/5
I lie the art, but not my cup of tea. There's a lot of good webcomics out there.
Traitorfish 3/5
Pretty good, but the comics about the short guy are usually pretty dull. 'Oh, I'm obsessing over schoolgirls!' Freak.
But the one's with Largo are cool. Rent-a-Zilla! Hurray!
desdemona47 5/5
The latest storylines have been awesome! I think Fred's finally hitting his stride as a solo act in the last few months.

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