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Genre: Fantasy Date Added: Before Time Began Last Update: 9 October 2006 Current Comic Ranking: 9338/26237 Views This Month: 103 (More...) Average Views a Month: 44 (More...) Favourite of:63 members Status: Pattern Not Matching (?)
A comic that makes fun of RPG games (Final Fantasy Style) but like RPG World, has a plot of its own. The comic starts with weak artwork and no real plot, but as time passes the artwork becomes good and a plot develops. However the humor was good all throughout. Over 1000 strips! Also, check out the author Mark Shallow's other more recently work, Antiheroforhire. He updates each one three times a week.
this may not have the most amazing art, but is one of the very rare gaming comics that made me drop to the floor laughing, the great jokes and the story makes up for anything else
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