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Building 12

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Genre: Manga
Date Added: Before Time Began
Last Update: 6 November 2006
Current Comic Ranking: 14309/26237
Views This Month: 49   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 32   (More...)
Favourite of: 119 members
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

People who like this comic also like: Chisuji, TwoKinds, Ethereal Legacies, Poultry Arisen, Black Tapestries
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A dorm full of misfits battle aliens, demons and neo-fascists, all at the same time. Sort of McGyver meets Dobie Gillis.

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YourWebcomicIsBad 1/5
Anyone who dosn\'t like Misfile should take a look at Building 12. The characters, while not entirely unlikeable, are archtypical and bland. The art\'s not great, but then it is the creator\'s first comic and had he not abandoned it would probably have reached Misfile quality in time.

We get exactly one \"Book\" less than 35 pages long to introduce us to the characters before the nonsical \"Plot\" begins. Intrestingly, the \"They wasted a perfectly good plot\" complaints Misfile is infamous for has it\'s origins in Building 12.

Case in point; a obviously female Character named Alex is trying to pass as a boy because she was mistaken for a boy on her acceptence letter. Not the kind of plot point that could go on and on but should at least last long enough for a few laughs right? Wrong. 10 pages after her introduction, Alex\'s \"Secret\" is discovered by \"Main character\" Joe before he even had time to grow sweet on Polly Oliver. The next day they have sex and Joe proposes they \"Go gay\" to keep Alex\'s indentity hidden. A little funny, but too little to late.

Then comes the corrupt schoolboard, terrorists, aliens, demons and whatever \"Threat\" the creator feels like throwing in. Try getting past Book 4 without getting bored if you can.

There are worse webcomics on the net, but Building 12 is far from one of the best.
c_arnold 2/5
The comic suffers from their being too many stories going on, but it\'s still entertaining in spite of the confusion. The only thing I could say is I hope that if the story it\'s after a point in time where the creator has a clear direction for the story.
i gotta agree, it has way too much going on, its hard to keep track of it all with the way it jumps form story to story that has pretty much no relation

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