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Genre: Fantasy Date Added: 9 December 2004 Last Update: 27 September 2006 Current Comic Ranking: 7536/26237 Views This Month: 204 (More...) Average Views a Month: 51 (More...) Favourite of:75 members Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)
A superb webcomic. I was introduced to AMD by a friend mid-Dark Vampire Lord Fluffy saga. Suffice to say, I became an addict. Both the main story of A Modest Destiny, and the comic Starship Destiny have entertained me for a year. The D&D humour, the entertaining story and the overall progression of this comic as Mr. Howard keeps updating proves AMD to be one of the best.
This is one of the best webcomics I've ever read. The new storylines shows immense depth and maturity, while jokes are still woven into the plot without degrading serious topics.
This is a great comic. The first seasons were hilarious for their gags, and AMD:WoF is epic.
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