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Machinegun Angel

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Genre: Sci-Fi
Date Added: 6 February 2009
Last Update: 5 February 2009
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 9266/26237
Views This Month: 112   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 44   (More...)
Favourite of: 40 members
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

People who like this comic also like: Institute of Metaphysics, The, Slightly Damned, Zap!, Turbo Ninja Bastard, Questionable Content
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A one-armed gunslinging clone with zero depth perception... A nurse looking for a saviour... Two completely different souls converge and embark on a journey to realize their destinies.

After the great war destroyed much of civilization and plunged the world into nuclear winter, A new empire has come into power and an industrial revolution has begun, using the bodies of human clones to harness power and energy. To keep order over the commonfolk, this empire known as RUBICON has created a weapon of mass destruction, using the body of one of their clones. Unfortunately for them, this weapon managed to escape and is now wandering the world. After being hit by a train and losing his right arm, Gauge survives to recieve a second chance to either live for himself or help save a dying world with his power. With new found friend, a nurse named Ophelia (who believes he is her guardian angel) Gauge begins a quest to not only bring down RUBICON, but establish himself as a member of humanity. Contains some Shonen-Ai. Steampunk. Updates Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Current synopsis by: plasticlovestudios
Current image by: plasticlovestudios

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