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Genre: Mature Date Added: 12 March 2009 Last Update: 21 September 2016 Current Comic Ranking: 102/26237 Views This Month: 225357 (More...) Average Views a Month: 3941 (More...) Favourite of:99 members Status: Pattern Not Matching (?)
He made his choice; We all have choices to make. He blames me, but I didn\'t create the symbol; I didn\'t melt it into the kids forehead. He thinks he\'s the answer, if he only knew.
Thanks opalord. Great to hear you\'re enjoying the LS comic. We\'ve learned a lot in the development of the 3 issues - both writing and visual style. We\'ll do our best to continue you learn, and to improve the comic, as we take this thing into future issues. Thanks again for reading. c-