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Machine Flower
The children who reside in the Facility don`t have names, they have numbers. They don`t have parents, they have doctors. They don`t have dreams, they have assignments.
And yet, one child among them wonders about the family she was snatched away from, about the name they surely gave her... And she dreams. She dreams about an ordinary life and what`s waiting for her on the other side of the wall that imprisons her. Fresh air, freedom... delicious food.
Machine Flower follows 9-01`s struggle to claim the human identity that was denied her by the scientists, who see her as nothing more than a weapon to be used in the righteous battle against the villains who would terrorize their nation. But is the selfish need for personal freedom worth sacrificing the safety of millions?
Current synopsis by: pana Current image by: pana
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plasticlovestudios |
:D Your comic comes up right before mine alphabetically and my curiousity led me here. I love your synopsis and the art is spectacular!! I can\'t wait to read!! |
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