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Genre: Manga Date Added: Before Time Began Last Update: 2 February 2005 Current Comic Ranking: 14054/26237 Views This Month: 76 (More...) Average Views a Month: 33 (More...) Favourite of:74 members Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)
well i been reading lounge for soem time now i rember when they changed their website adress and i had to delete their old one. its been great reading b/c its simplistic and makes me laugh. as for the relationship i see no harm in it but i wouldn't reccomend to ready while parents are standing around
oooooook here the lounge is not 100% about a shoujo-ai relationship and neither is about shameless fan-art it's about a store , it's sexy owner italy ishida and her girlfriend aya fukuno , her best friend max ,her personal rivarly with the wilheim sisters and of course it's mostly about the people who work there and the silly stuff that happens between them ^^ , updates mon-sat!!
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