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Genre: Manga Date Added: 27 January 2010 Last Update: 29 October 2011 Archive Current Comic Ranking: 663/26237 Views This Month: 414 (More...) Average Views a Month: 178 (More...) Favourite of:57 members Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)
A mighty titan from another Universe lives trapped inside the most ordinary kid on Earth. Together they must stop a dangerous conspiracy that aims to merge both worlds and wreak havoc on the planet.
An urban fantasy of epic proportions about self-discovery, transmutation and true friendship; full of mystery, magic, monsters and even giant robots…everything for the new age reader!
Current synopsis by:donoMX Current image by:donoMX
Click the \"Read in turbo mode\" on the webcomic for the flash version! (Which is also much further along than the flat html version.)
Great art and story, definitely worth reading.
Good webcomic with pretty phenomenal art. I also really like the format (how the panels unfold and change as you click is very cool), but it could do with some good editing on the dialogue and writing in general. Sorta takes me out of it a little, \'cause the way the characters speak just doesn\'t feel natural. Otherwise good times all round.
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