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Genre: Quirky Date Added: Before Time Began Last Update: 17 September 2018 Current Comic Ranking: 311/26237 Views This Month: 2001 (More...) Average Views a Month: 267 (More...) Favourite of:83 members Status: Pattern Not Matching (?)
An intelligent and funny comic about TRex and his philosophy. The words change but the picture never does. One of the rare comics that does this successfully.
so it's not for everyone. but Dinosaur Comics is SMART. if you don't mind the recycled artwork and the uber-absurdist, cerebral yet silly humor, you'll find that it can be a darn hilarious webcomic. North is continually playing with the limitations of his chosen format, his decision to recycle the same bare-bones clipart for his comic is seriously gutsy, and the fact that he makes it actually funny is a testament to his writing talent. Dinosaur Comics is all kinds of awesome...well, maybe not ALL kinds, but certainly a whole lot. Several, anyway.