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Dinosaur Comics

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Genre: Quirky
Date Added: Before Time Began
Last Update: 17 September 2018
Current Comic Ranking: 311/26237
Views This Month: 2001   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 267   (More...)
Favourite of: 83 members
Status: Pattern Not Matching (?)

People who like this comic also like: Calvin and Hobbes, VG Cats, Dictator, The, Questionable Content, Ctrl+Alt+Delete
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An intelligent and funny comic about TRex and his philosophy. The words change but the picture never does. One of the rare comics that does this successfully.

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DeathbyChiasmus 4/5
so it's not for everyone. but Dinosaur Comics is SMART. if you don't mind the recycled artwork and the uber-absurdist, cerebral yet silly humor, you'll find that it can be a darn hilarious webcomic. North is continually playing with the limitations of his chosen format, his decision to recycle the same bare-bones clipart for his comic is seriously gutsy, and the fact that he makes it actually funny is a testament to his writing talent. Dinosaur Comics is all kinds of awesome...well, maybe not ALL kinds, but certainly a whole lot. Several, anyway.
Traitorfish 5/5
Brilliant. It's amazing how he uses the same drawings day after day. Except that one with the parralel universe and moustaches. Go T-Rex!
snoosnoo 5/5

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