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Wayward Sons: Legends
Wayward Sons: Legends is an online & offline comic book that tells the backstory of the alien Ulympeans who influenced all myths on earth.
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Tonik |
I really enjoy Wayward Sons - the art is pretty fantastic, it\'s a pretty cool story, and I like that it seems to be moving at a brisk-ish pace.
But I have two problems.
The first is one I have with a lot of webcomics out there, and is just the lack of editing in the writing. It feels pretty clumsy a lot of the time, with a lot of small mistakes that I think could\'ve been pretty easily sorted out. A lot of the dialogue doesn\'t flow well because of this, and I find that taking me out of the story.
The second is that while I like the brisk pace, I feel like it\'s a bit too rushed at times, and we miss out on potentially great character moments because of it.
That said, I\'m gonna keep reading. It\'s a helluva fun ride... |
skythorn |
Darn, not four, three.
Proofreading Fail.
I guess I give a rating of 2 to balance up the rating of 4 to give an average of 3? |
skythorn |
Slowly but slowly the promise of this comic is being returned.
Firstly it was a SF space based comic, then it turned into a prisoner type comic, then a re-hash of Lost, but with powers, now we are re-creating mythology of Egypt, Rome, Greece and Persia. It\'s an interesting melange of concepts.
Plot wise it\'s progressive, but characterisation is limited because of the massive range of characters and attributes that rest within them.
Art : excellent visuals work, good sense of perspective, weight of line is clean and the setting out of the page is pleasant.
Plot : characterisation is secondary to plot development. While the world reminds me of Zelany\'s \'lord of light\' it\'s too entrenched with characters.
Colours : lush, effective - they work, I dont know how to criticise colours, but they seem quite effective to me.
The extra 10 percent : I see the comic as formulaic. It\'s got lots of stuff, lots of value, but it\'s not that extra little bit that makes me think \'this is niiiice\', so I can\'t find a reason to get it past the bell-curve.
So, 2.5 stars, rounded up to 3.
Rated: 3 February 2010 |
bushwhacker2k |
I\'m not that far but it\'s pretty good. The art is good and the story is pretty interesting but I must say the characters are all DREADFULLY boring and lack any real personality... |
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