Home » Comic Profiles » HATEFARM
From the creators of Mall Monkeys is a new comic that is just as immature and twice as sad.
Current synopsis by: Drobile Current image by: Drobile
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skythorn |
From the website seen on January 14 2014
The end of the Hatefarms
Dearest Hatefarmers!
It comes with great crotch moisture that I am announcing the shutting down of Hatefarm. Lack of interest, time and funds for myself and my colleagues has lead to a site that has been dying for a while now. We are all moving onto our own separate projects (except for Andrew has been running his webcomic http://www.iamarg.com/ strong for a while now) and we will be uploading all the Hatefarm comics to this tumblr. (Empty at the moment). You can follow progress on my upcoming animated graphic novel Merry Melony here: http://merrymelony.tumblr.com/ and Rob’s writing exploits via his twitter: https://twitter.com/HatefarmRob . We want to thank you for all the likes, shares, laughs, tears, and especially the negative, hate-filled comments. Please keep the Hate close with you, preferably in your butt pockets, and never let it out. -The Farmers |
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