Home » Comic Profiles » Emily Carrol ..
Emily Carrol | Comics
Hello – I’m Emily! I was born in June of 1983, graduated from Sheridan College’s classical animation program in 2005, and moved out to Vancouver, British Columbia about a week after that to work in the television animation industry. I live with fellow artist Kate Craig and our large and rather bow-legged cat, Tuco.
In addition to the work on this site, I also maintain a number of galleries devoted to my various interests: my Gaming Flickr Set houses all of my video game related fan art, my Dune Flickr Set showcases all my fan art relating to the Dune series by Frank Herbert, and Draw This Dress is a tumblr where Vera Brosgold and I challenge each other to draw various fashions from bygone eras.
A Little Bit About My Process: I work primarily in Photoshop (for an example of the custom brushes I use, please see this sampling), but all of my comics are inked first on smooth bristol, mostly with a nib and a big of drybrushing thrown in, and then scanned and colored on the computer. I use custom textures I’ve scanned in myself, typically ink washes on smooth illustration board (example), and apply them in Photoshop to try to give the digital colour more of an organic feel.
(I’m constantly learning and fooling around with different methods of working though, so this is apt to change anytime!)
If you’d like to contact me directly, my email is:
For rights information or queries concerning projects, please contact my agent:
Jen Linnan
Linnan Literary Management LLC
Current synopsis by: c_arnold
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