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Closencounters Manga
In year 2114 AD, a boy named Elliot Moonstroke living on a huge orbital colony named New Babel meets a very cute alien girl through Galactic Internet and have a date with her. But things got messed up and then he got himself immersed into a rolling snowball of wacky and hilarious situations which he cannot control anymore. Elliot finds out he didn't quite get what he was expecting and has taken more than he can handle as he tries to figure out what to do next in a clash of alien and human cultures.
Current synopsis by: Tsuteru Shiba Current image by: Tsuteru Shiba
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Uncle_Squishy |
OMG! I finally found it!
You\'ve probably long since moved on from this but I figured I\'d ask anyway.
If you\'re still interested in continuing the comic I\'d love to help again! I helped for a short while in the early chapters with proof reading, but life was just too busy to keep doing it. If you\'re interested in resuming just let me know!
Stevarooni |
This comic is a hilarious Sci-Fi love story of a school-going human who accidentally lives with an alien and her animal-brained, attractive, human-looking pet. It\'s done as a manga (read right-to-left) with plenty of fanservice and set in a Japan-like culture. There are some slight translation problems, but that should only be a speed bump in your reading from time to time. |
Tsuteru Shiba |
The "Closencounters Manga Online" site has a new, safer server host and the URL is up again. Enjoy! :-D |
Tsuteru Shiba |
A big thanks for all people that have enjoyed "Closencounters" online comic. Due some issues with web providers, a lack of time to do colouring and anyone to help me with English text I needed to put a hiatus on this English online version of comic. Maybe when all problems are solved this English version of comic will be back online. Sorry. |
bg4m3r |
Hmmm...seems to have vanished. I'd hate to see this comic go, does anyone out there know what happened to it? New URL maybe? |
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