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Penny Arcade

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Genre: Gaming
Date Added: Before Time Began
Last Update: 19 August 2019
Current Comic Ranking: 112/26237
Views This Month: 20168   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 2262   (More...)
Favourite of: 438 members
Status: Pattern Not Matching (?)

People who like this comic also like: Outsider, Star Bored, Blade Kitten, Gods of ArrKelaan, The, Buttersafe
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Penny Arcade is a hilarious look at the video game world: the creators of games, the producers, the players, the nuances, and all the things that make video games what they are. It's crazy, unpredictable style of humor is wonderful.

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The below opinions reflect the views of the users of this site and are not in any way the views of The Webcomic List.

Lordyv23 4/5
Penny Arcade is for me one of the best. I really appreciate the whole thing. The drawings is very excellent, the story is good, and the humor makes the story go wild.

Placeholder 5/5
in my opinion the best webcomic ive ever read. consistently funny, awesome artwork and the characters are loveable. sure the first few strips werent particularly anything special but for god sake people it was 1998. webcomics barely even existed. cads first comic was about a melon.
to sum up questionable content is good but this fully deserves that top spot.
guymandude 5/5
Fantastic. I have absolutely no idea why this comic is below CAD. Especially since I\'ve noticed a few CAD strips that might as well have been copied and pasted from penny arcade. I get how they are both gaming comics and both will occasionally decide to mock the same game, but seriously, sometimes it\'s just too similar. But Anyways, this is a great comic all around that delivers intelligent and quirky humor every time, and I am truly disappointed in that seemingly large quantity of people who are unable to get it.
JoshWyatt 2/5
Better than being stabbed i guess
Great comic, needs spice
ruff1298 5/5
Pretty much awesome.
brown_recluse_gundam 1/5
Well. At least you were kind enough to address me as Mr., Phorcys. So I will humbly do as you request. They don't call me "brown recluse" for nothin. I would rather "fly my gundam" through anyones bowels than to read this dribble. It would probably be more entertaining and captivating to explore the inner anatomy than to go through PA's archive. Well, it would be less excruciating anyways. Sorry to burst your bubbles though and have a great 2007.
brown_recluse_gundam 1/5
I was just kiddin. This comic sucks. CAD RULES!!!
DeathbyChiasmus 5/5
quality artwork and writing; Krahulik and Holkins really pay attention to their craftsmanship. creative and opinionated. but you already knew that.
and where else can you find an automatic juicer that has sex with fruit? or Dr. Raven Darktalon Blood, generic gun-toting McFarlanesque dark hero? or the Adventures of Twisp and Catsby? you know, if you keep tuning into this comic long enough, you'll eventually forget just how weird and bizarre some of this stuff really is.
brown_recluse_gundam 3/5
Well, I,ve been reading this comic off and on for years. Yes. It's that kinda relationship. It's been getting better, but for some reason it's still not as great as I think it could be. Perhaps it's the art. It just doesn't fit with the material. What I mean is that it looks too Saturday morning that the graphic stuff just doesn't fit. I always come back to it as it is my opinion that this comic will become really great some day.
R23 5/5
Unlike a lot of strip comics, this one's kept its momentum ^^
They're always hilarious, and I love seeing the artstyle evolve!

CK01 5/5
One of the webcomics at the top of watchlist.
rhathar 1/5
I've tried to read this comic several times. I've started at different points. One time I even started at the beginning and read through the first several hundred. It was hard. VERY hard.

I don't give a shit about the swearing. It just wasn't funny. I have 10 other comics I check regularly on my favourites list, so I'm not going to be checking back in on this one ever.
rhathar 1/5
This comic is lame. The rocks are old and cliched, and it doesn't even pull them off well. Or try.
ash 5/5
Everyone loves Penny Arcade, including myself.

It is a true gamers comic

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