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Dresden Codak Presents
"Dresden Codak Presents" is a bi-weekly comic that covers pressing topics like cats dressed up like Incas, shooting the elderly, Aborigines with jetpacks, Jonathan Frakes and Popes fighting communist Vietnam. There's also a frequently updated gallery of DC's various artwork deals. It's like an adventure every day!
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phatnes |
This is probably among the best, if not the single best art in sci fi webcomics, and the story is amazingly dark and twisted. I love how its creator does not settle on a single drawing style but keeps evolving it. It is really rewarding to go back to the earliest panels and follow his style change, it\'s beautiful. Updates are painfully rare, though, but these are not 5 minute doodles and the guy probably has a life, too. |
BjarnePirat |
Great mix of science, philosophy and humor, presented with cool pictures and well composed layouts. |
DeathbyChiasmus |
a rare combination of randomness and substance. clever, unorthodox, and artistically well-crafted. not always funny, but always extremely cool. |
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