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Genre: Manga
Date Added: 16 July 2005
Last Update: 27 January 2010
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Current Comic Ranking: 14791/26237
Views This Month: 36   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 31   (More...)
Favourite of: 40 members
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

People who like this comic also like: inverloch, Outsider, The Meek, String Theory, Paradox Lost
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One day, Ren finds out he's not exactly what he thought he was. But does he really want to find out more?

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..though not anything you wouldn\'t find out in the first 20 pages or so, but still..

Wait a it a coincidence that the main character in this story has the same name...\'Ren\' as the main character in the manga called \"Aoi no Exorcist\" (translated, I believe it\'s \"The Blue Exorcist\")?? Who also happens to be a demon (well, technically, the \"son of Satan\" but hey, that\'s a demon, right?). Just noticed this, and was like, hey, that\'s sorta weird...

caracal-eyes 5/5
Only on page 19...but here is where it picks up! From what I\'ve seen so far, very good! The story looks interesting, though so far not something I\'ve totally never seen before or anything...

However, looks quite interesting. Very good, professional artwork, with a manga style to it. Eh, that\'s how it is with most of the comics I read now, I guess...addicted to manga. But anyway. I would reccommend this comic, from what I\'ve seen so far.


R23 4/5
The artstyle pulled me in ^^ Very distinctive.
It sorta has a raw, strong look to it.

I liked Ren almost immediately, and the story is coming along really nicely! More pages would be awesome XD

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