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Genre: Sci-Fi
Date Added: 13 June 2004
Last Update: 2 July 2015
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 140/26237
Views This Month: 5321   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 772   (More...)
Favourite of: 220 members
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

People who like this comic also like: Lang Lang, No Room For Magic, Gunnerkrigg Court, Chisuji, Shifters
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Zap becomes the unlikely captain of a spaceship when he stows away on the Excelsior while running from the G.E.F. The crew doesn't like him very much, but Zap is determined to win their friendship. Can he save them all from the demons of his secret psychic past?

Full Color pages every M-W-F.

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The below opinions reflect the views of the users of this site and are not in any way the views of The Webcomic List.

This comic is complete. It would be best to change it\'s status to Not Checked For Updates
Zulius 3/5
TheWebComicList marks this comic updated every single day, even when there are no updates. I am almost ready to remove this from my favorites. Please fix the last changed timestamp to reflect actual updates :).
Jehackmaster 5/5
Hi! Just started reading Zap! a couple of days ago, and I made it to present in just three stretches. You guys prove exactly what I love about webcomics: At least a writer has the time to create his story, and an artist has the time to grow in his style. Most \"dead tree\"comics suffer from artistic anemia - You only get to read those who are already good. Even if you flow from the first to the last pages in a short stretch, you have a hard time believing this is the same webcomic.
The artwork has evolved from zany webcomic to superior comic-art. The story grows more and more compelling, the characters more and more realistic...
Kudos to a GREAT webcomic. Thanks for sharing this one with us.
Counting myself lucky I discovered this one :-)
Tropylium 2/5
• Lead guy with a SOUPER MYSTEERIOUS past.
• Cast consist of Final Fantasy rejects + the occasional Star Wars rip-off.
• Every villain or halfway villaineous type spends 80% of their time with a shit-eatingly smug grin on their face.
• "Psychic amnesia" is apparently a valid excuse for behaving like a man-child.
• Violence = humor, except when required otherwise by plot.
• No fucking clue about how politics or government functions.
• Goes for the _four classical elements_ in a sci-fi setup.
• Battle scenes are basically Dragon Ball Z.

Don't be fooled by the pretty pictures; this comic is pretty stupid. Could be worse tho.
Overlord59 5/5
Great artwork, compelling story and has some very funny moments. I would recomend this to anyone.
the lord 5/5
one of the best heroes ever, and the robet kegs.

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