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Sequential Art
A strange comic about a reasonably normal guy, and his roommates, a male penguin, a female cat, and a scurry of genius squirrels.
Current synopsis by: VeraLapsa Current image by: ChowRiit
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IgsizhevSah |
https://vk.com/udmurtiya_18reg -(ИГГС)
[URL=http://kissloveme.ru][IMG]ht tps://netpics.org/images/2018/03/16 /prqfd.jpg[/IMG][/URL] |
Lindasannop |
http://vonlaine.net/groups/moskvazn akomstvaru - москв а знако мства ру
http://vonlaine.net /groups/moskvavecherznakomstv - москв а вечер знако мств
http: //vonlaine.net/groups/igormoskvazna komstva - игорь москв а знако мства
http://vonlaine.net/groups/znakom stvasolncevomoskva - знако мства солнц ево москв а
http://vonlaine.net/groups /moskvaznakomstvo - москв а знако мство
justjim1960 |
Absolutely love this strip! I just spent 4 hours rereading all 900+ strips. My favorite of any comic ever.
Scottytheman |
This comic is definitely better than the ones chosen for top ten wtf. |
skythorn |
Awesome work by this single line max four panel comic artist - just graduated black white tones, just iconic references to technical culture, just perfect pacing, gorgeous furry girls that have a fascinating element of unpredictable danger - and a really really long backstory catalog.
A wonderful discovery and very enjoyable.
To be honest, it\'s one of the best webcomic discoveries I have made in the last couple of years, up there with Buck Godot and Dr McNinja ... so that\'s fairly high praise.
4 stars (cos 5\'s perfect, and I don\'t want to spoil that occasion if it ever happens)
Review Date : 11 March 2011 |
Stevarooni |
Consistent quality for years, funny gags, and endearing characters who have grown through the strip\'s run. What\'s not to like? |
ericthetolle |
NOte that the current address is now: http://www.collectedcurios.com/sequ entialart.php.
Anyway, this is a really funny, very well drawn comic, that\'s suitable for general readership. It\'s a furry comic even people who hate furries ought to like. |
ruff1298 |
Amazingly good art and well-put humor makes this a wonderful comic if not a must read. |
silverfox14 |
It just keeps getting better! Hilarious, witty and fantasticly drawn, it screams brilliance! |
silverfox14 |
Love the style, love the jokes! One of my faves! |
asdksjf |
Collected curios is an awesome site. Not only do I love Sequential Art, but I love the other works too. SA is just a great comic, and I love the humor! |
ChowRiit |
Originally started as a series of posts on b3ta.com, this quickly became one of my favorite webcomics... |
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