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The Adventures of Dr McNinja

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Genre: Quirky
Date Added: 13 November 2005
Last Update: 1 February 2017
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Current Comic Ranking: 135/26237
Views This Month: 9172   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 964   (More...)
Favourite of: 215 members
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People who like this comic also like: Lackadaisy, Drowtales - Moonless Age, Level 99, Dead Winter, Masked Manor
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An all around doctor which turns out to be a very skilled ninja. His life is mostly considered not normal to most people but it does to him.

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The below opinions reflect the views of the users of this site and are not in any way the views of The Webcomic List.

Webcomic has now completed its run - supurb effort from sketch to high quality graphic experience. Well done and salutations to all who dive in and journey through the experience.
OnlyTheGhosts 4/5
Hilarious, over the top, mad concept, but it\'s done so well you can abandon all sense of disbelief and just enjoy it.
Vettyfunny 5/5
This comic has the perfect balance between action and comedy! Great punchlines that actually make me laugh, great art, and a truly great concept and characters.Must read for ages 12+(medium violence, medium language, mild sexual content).
BjarnePirat 5/5
Funny and captivating. Well written storyline(s).
DeathbyChiasmus 4/5
very nearly comic-book quality artwork. hilariously bizarre premise, even more bizarre plotlines, and the punchlines are just so bizarre I can't even describe it. easily one of the most creative comics out there, and extremely entertaining. I just wish the guys would update more frequently!
Traitorfish 4/5
This kicks ass. he's a doctor, who's a ninja! It's great, becasue it teaches kids that you can be a ninja, and a productive member of societey. Also, it has robots.

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