Home » Comic Profiles » Paradox Lost
Paradox Lost
Trent and Sampson are just a couple of college freshmen who dream of one day breaking into the gaming industry. When simply impossible situations begin to occur in rapid succession, "real life" takes a back seat and it's an out of control free-for-all teeming with space pirates, ninja hordes, crazy alien chicks, and more caffeine than the FDA recommends in a lifetime! What does it all mean? What is this missing “Ultimate Power” that everyone seems desperate to find? Can a couple of gamers untangle the mess before summer ends and classes begin? Nothing’s impossible!
Paradox Lost: Where we ask the question, "Is real life really stranger than fiction, or is fiction about real life being stranger than fiction stranger than real life being stranger than fiction?" Ow.
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silversoul |
anyone know what happened to this comic? has it been moved or removed? |
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