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Blade Kitten

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Genre: Sci-Fi
Date Added: 13 September 2004
Last Update: 5 October 2016
Current Comic Ranking: 9670/26237
Views This Month: 156   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 42   (More...)
Favourite of: 129 members
Status: Pattern Not Matching (?)

People who like this comic also like: Kitty Kazawa: Freelance Exorcist, Collar 6 - A Bondage Fetish Webcomic, College Roomies From Hell, the Devil\'s Gate: Transient, Sister Claire
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This is not your average house cat. This Feline kicks butt. She is incredibly strong, even stronger than those Ninja turtles. She has the coolest sword. One swipe and your dead! Blade kitten is awesome. You go girl!

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Genisyn69 5/5
The artwork is damn good, and the story is showing a little bit of serious work. Depth wise.. there is alot of backstory already in the story, which accounts for some lag in the action the story seems geared towards. But to be honest, all action and no story would leave this one just a glitz and glamour. Building up the character, and the background is solid storytelling. THIS THING GOT PICKED UP BY ATARI(2d side scroller, cell shaded blah blah, nice you-tube video on the site)!!! that says ALOT about whats not been smoothed over, and written into the comic just yet. There must be a decent amount of \'meat\' to catch such a big fish. The story isn\'t that far along yet, but as of july 2010 I\'d say its going to be on my favorites for quite a while as I enjoy it chugging along once a week.

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