Home » Comic Profiles » Anti-Bishie
Greetings and welcome to Anti-Bishie, a comic of pure and total silliness with a bit of of the sentimental and a slight touch of fetish as well. If that doesn't get a giggle, I don't know what will.
Here's how it goes: In an attempt to liven up her friend Doug (Who she has nicknamed "Anti".) a girl named Tira decides to drag him along with her to YaoiCon. Assisting her in this is Anti's friend Z-san and a collection of other rabid yaoi fans that the two of them know. Prior to the convention though, Anti is plagued by strange dreams and events... including the mishaps from a small doll he has had since he was a child- that just happens to be alive. Things aren't shaping out well for poor Anti, who just wants to be left in peace....
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