Home » Comic Profiles » Erfworld
Erfworld's premise is that overlord Stanley the Plaid is conducting a military campaign to quest for the Arkentools - artifacts of ancient power left behind by the Titans who created Erfworld. Stanley controls one of these tools, the Arkenhammer, but his quest for the others seems to have been costly and unsuccessful; the story opens as his final living warlord is killed in battle. Stanley's chief adviser, Wanda Firebaugh, convinces him to purchase a "Summon Perfect Warlord" spell as a final attempt to prevent defeat. The spell summons Earth gamer Parson Gotti into Erfworld, where he is to serve as chief warlord under Stanley.
Meanwhile, Prince Ansom of Jetstone is leading a massive coalition toward Stanley's capital, Gobwin Knob, hoping to destroy Stanley's side forever. Parson quickly finds out that this world of cutesy creatures isn't as precocious as it looks. He'll be fighting for his life, and his entire side.
Current synopsis by: Biostar123 Current image by: Biostar123
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skythorn |
For personal reasons the creator and creative team halted work on the webcomic. There is sorrow, grief, angst and disappointment, along with a lot of other emotions. As such, the webcomic is on perminant hiatus if not shut down Most material has been taken down and fan material also lost. |
staresblankly |
The synopsis of this comic says it is slightly childish.
This is like painting a tank pink and calling it slightly pretty. It may be slightly pretty, BUT IT IS STILL A TANK. Don\'t be fooled by the bubblegum spewing \"dwagons\" or the giant cuddly teddy bears. This story hits hard, and the childishness just serves to pronounce the true maturity of this comic even more. Setting aside the deeply complex strategy and tactics involved, Erfworld has a very emotional side to it, and has a very complex group of characters driving the story. Also, it has instilled in me a strong fear of peeps.
Funny, complicated, and prone to making you think, I highly recommend this comic.
5 stars, all the way. I\'m drooling for updates.
Also, I\'m shocked this comic isn\'t higher on the list, and that I JUST heard of it. Needs More Love! |
Zorpheus |
A very intelligent comic with its own distinct snarky and satirical brand of humor. Somehow, the writers craft such an intricate tale with such depth in their characters that, whether they be good or evil, friend or enemy, you can\'t help but care about all of them for their distinct little quirks. Makes it really hard to decide who to root for, I\'ll tell you that much. I literally can\'t wait for every update. |
Traitorfish |
Excellent. Nice art, good humour and a story that stays interesting without taking itself too seriously. Definitely worth checking out. |
slicertool |
Nice snarky comic with an interesting world being woven around it. |
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