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Whiteboard, The

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Genre: Furry
Date Added: Before Time Began
Last Update: 16 August 2018
Current Comic Ranking: 152/26237
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Average Views a Month: 651   (More...)
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People who like this comic also like: Catena, GG guys, Order of the Stick, The, Sinfest, El Goonish Shive
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Doc, the owner of a paintball shop, deals with customers, friends, high explosives, and mountain dew. "Confusing the hell out of nonplayers every Monday, Wednesday and Friday since 2002."

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FireFrenzy 5/5
Not \"furry\" as such more a case of the \"animals are easier to draw\" trope i\'d have pegged it as \"geeky\"/\"quirky\" or perhapse \"workplace\"

everything else is provided with awesome explosions and random awesomeness
sniper jedi 5/5
Great mix of storyline, and one-page jokes. I've read every single strip, and eagerly await new ones every day.

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