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Wayfarer's Moon

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Genre: Fantasy
Date Added: 20 April 2007
Last Update: 26 July 2012
Current Comic Ranking: 859/26237
Views This Month: 634   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 151   (More...)
Favourite of: 112 members
Status: Pattern Not Matching (?)

People who like this comic also like: Peter is the Wolf, Generation 17, Demonology 101, Juathuur, Alien Dice
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Wayfarer’s Moon is a high-fantasy online comic book set in the world of Lachryn. It follows the adventures of Iri and Lily, as they deal with a variety of threats, both large and small. Lachryn is not a typical fantasy world. While there are elves, humans, and many other ‘standard’ races, we are striving to make Lachryn a ‘real’ place, where people have faults, make mistakes, and where good and evil are really just shades of grey. The ‘Wayfarer’s Moon’ itself is a star with a fixed point in the sky, much like the ‘North Star.’ It is used by travelers to find their way.

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skythorn 4/5
This webcomic was reliable and regular for some time, until it hit a sticky patch of writing and art. The accompanying blog was rich with commentary and suggested a resurrection, but this failed to eventuate. What I remember of the webcomic was positive. Good (if thick) line art giving good movement and balance to the characters, great world creation in a fantasy setting plus intriguing character revelation in the manner of Elisabeth Moon's great series ~The Deed of Paksenarrion

So, deadlinked as of April 2017 and closed to access the archive as of early 2016.

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