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User Profile For chickenoutfit  
“Chicken Outfit” is a comic series currently in development by Joe Deagnon and Kirby Stasyna.

The comic concern a group of under-paid porn company employees toiling in a virtual sweat shop run by a maniacal boss and his dog-like cronies. It explores the dreary routine of this unlikely band of programmers and designers as they do whatever it takes to sell content to the lustful Internet rabble.

Blinded by their own new found greed, they soon discover their souls are being sucked dry and not just by the job they’ve shackled themselves to, but by a force more sinister than anything they could ever imagine. The gang is thrust into a life or death battle in a world of douchebags and demons, while trying to discover the truth that has been lurking behind the blue-green glow of their workstation monitors.

We are currently working round-the-clock at the Chicken Outfit offices, and we’ll let you know as soon we’re ready to unleash the first issue.

Thank you for visiting our site, and check our dev blog regularly, where you’ll find some of our chicken strip comics, updates about our progress, notes, sketches and more. We hope you are looking forward to this full-length tale of horror, sci-fi, sex, relationships, money, greed, cyber-life, and live bait.
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