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User Profile For Venusfly9108  
Critical furfag, or zoophile if you like, with better musical tastes and critical thinking than you. Nothing wrong with zoophilia, as long as it\\\'s just present in art form.

Reminder, the internet is not a safe place, especially from criticism.

Reminder to furfags: see above
Reminder to anti-furfags: it\\\'ll just keep coming
Reminder to PETA: you haven\\\'t done anything to improve lives of animals nor have you done any serious contribution to society and no matter how hard you try to meet your goal, you will never make, nor will you be thanked for it, so quite while you\\\'re ahead.
Reminder to Jonathan Davis: 1- You stopped being eighteen 20 years ago 2- people over the age of 16 already know how silly you are still going with this angst shit

Reminder to \"right\" people: you aren\\\'t and saying \\\"sorry but it\'s true\" doesn\\\'t make it so. Read a goddamn book.

Reminder to \"true\" metal heads: Pantera are one of the biggest poseurs on earth and I have proof. Also, you all suck.

What! There\'s still more people who need to reminded of the real world? Slashes are showing up with every apostrophe (goddamn that took a long time to spell right) on my profile? Screw this, I\'m tired.
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