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MyCupOfTea Pater Noster (Vlad Damien's comics) Mischief Furtrap Sin perspectiva The Fancy Adventures of Jack Cannon An American Nerd in Animated Tokyo Book of Biff, The Hell, Inc. Chasing Paradise Living The Dream Get Your Comic Featured Today!!
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User Profile For headcomic  
Patrick Yurick is the Multimedia Instructor at High Tech High Chula Vista, California. Growing up in the small town Farmington NH Patrick spent most of his time imagining worlds, watching cartoons, and reading comic books. From 2002-2005 Patrick spent his time in Boston earning a BS in Graphic Design from the New England Institute of Art. After deciding that the designer’s life was not for him Patrick moved back to New Hampshire to explore more options. After spending some time substitute teaching at the high school he graduate from, Patrick decided that he would follow in his mother’s footsteps and become an art educator. From 2006-2008 Patrick studied at Plymouth State University to get his MAT in Art Education. Upon graduating Patrick moved to San Diego to start his job as a Multimedia Instructor and has done so since.
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