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Posted by DocM (profile) on 30 May 2005 at 7:05pm
Sorry for the Inconvenience creator Roland van Duijn has found time from his beer swilling, card playing adventures to give us some time to answer some questions.

Well, you already know who I am...

Roland van Duijn
Yes, you are that stalker boy. I have been warned about you and I have seen the results of your actions on that wonderful place called the intarweb. It really proves they let anybody with a cardboard modem online these days, doesn't it? The sheer idiocy of most people online will always be a source of entertainment to me and my fellow enlightened internet users (all 2 of them). The fact that you are also distracting me on #webcomics on quakenet, accessible with free programs like mIRC and the like, doesn't really help me answer your questions before Mythbusters begins. What? Oh, you didn't even start yet... well, let's rock and tremble then, shoot...

1. When and where did you get the idea to start the webcomic "Sorry for the Inconvenience."?

Roland van Duijn
I don't think I ever did. I've been reading webcomics for a while now and I've always liked drawing. One day I bought one of those handy drawing tablets at Aldi for about 20 of your silly british pounds and it has been friendly to me for the past few months. It hasn't always been friendly though, it was a bitch to begin with... am I allowed to say that? This is kinda like an interview on TV, right? But without the TV. Oh well... it's been a bitch. It was pretty damn hard to get used to it, and my first drawings still make entire continents cry to this day. First I started drawing fanart for Weebl and Bob, you might have heard of them. If you haven't you have to check them out! Maybe even see if the creators can stop playing charades long enough to answer a few questions. You could find them on quakenet, an irc channel that you can get access to with mIRC or other programs like those. It's free, you know! Anyway, some people seemed to like the drawings, and demanded more. Some even said that I should start my own webcomic thing. For some obscure reason (I believe I needed hosting somewhere for a few drawings) I signed up with Keenspace. Before I knew it I was drawing things and putting them online every day for a few months. I knew my webcomic would pretty much suck, so to stop people from complaining about it I decided to hide a subtle message in the name of the site. Two messages, actually.
That's where the name came from. The rest kinda happened without my knowledge. Before I knew it I had characters and frames around the drawings and people visited it once in a while. I believe that makes it a webcomic.

2. Where did you come up with the Man with no eyes?

Roland van Duijn
These days everybody has a computer. Most computers have a mouse. Nearly every computer has MSPaint on it. This makes people who use those computers believe that they are entitled to make art. I mean, sure everybody is allowed to express themself, the internet is a home to all kinds of monkeys including the human race, and for some obscure reason they all have an opinion about things. Every single person online will be an expert on everything, including art. This is also fine. I don't mind people telling me how good my coffee is, I know how good my coffee is, I buy it myself. And that also goes for my drawings, except that I don't buy those, I make them. So yes, I know there are better webcomics, artists, storywriters, HTML codemonkeys around, hell, there might even be somebody out there who's more intelligent than me. The sad bit is, that many people also think they can do it better. Once again, that's fine by me, they can think whatever they want. But why do they have to actually try to do it better? And why do they have to put it online where I can accidently run into it? That really makes me sad.
Some so called pieces of art, webcomic shaped or other, made and make me want to rip out my own eyes, jam them into my cd drive in the hope the shortcircuit will make the internet explode. Unfortunately I'll need my eyes, so it's never gone beyond the wishful thinking. I made a drawing of that one night when I was bored and probably drunk, and that's how the character was born. Now all I have to do is find a way to get rid of him again. He.. just.. won't.. die.

3. What gave you inspiration to create the Red Monkies?

Roland van Duijn
It's a postmodern answer to the eternal question of life, the universe and good taste. Why would everything (including life and the universe) be subject to our opinion? Why do we always see the flaws in everything and think to ourself: "hell, I could have done a better job designing that!". Everything is flawed. Perfection is boring.
Realising your dreams leaves you with nothing to dream about. If there are no mistakes in life, why would we even bother? It's like that thing you can find if you google hard enough. A banana protection device! It's a hard plastic tube in the shape of what we think a banana looks like. Have you ever bought bananas? They are all different, often they're not even bent like we think they should be. I've had so many straight bananas in my entire life you could feed an average zoo with them for over 3 years. So where's the guarantee that every banana will fit in that banana protection device? We think the universe should be perfect, but it is not and I like it pretty much that way.
I stole them from an old annoying flash movie by the way.

4. Is that a boomstick I see before me?

Roland van Duijn
No, it's a herring in a banana protection device.

5. For the new readers of the comic, what is the comic all about?

Roland van Duijn
That's a question I've been asking myself a lot lately. Seriously, I do not know. I just draw whatever comes up in my head. Pretty often that involves things that would get me banned out of 19 countries, so I erase the page and start over. Most of the time it's just another lame joke about lemmings, a guy who draws webcomics and is lost in the world, a world with a lost guy on it suffering from a serious identity crisis (the world, and maybe also the guy), worms, stolen jokes from movies and other comics, you get my point. It's not really about anything.
I've been trying to come up with a plot, a storyline or a running gag, but every attempt is a doomed one. Not that I mind that much, most readers probably do though.

6. Any webcomics out there you read?

Roland van Duijn
At this moment I have 163 favorites on my list at The Webcomic List, only because I can't really be arsed to add the others I like. Coming home from a busy day at work I really like to sit for an hour and read the latest updates of half a gazillion webcomics. There's a bit of everything on the list so there will always be a couple of them that make me giggle like a japanese schoolgirl on acid.

7. Do you like making the webcomic?

Roland van Duijn
No, I hate every single time I have to update, I loathe my drawing tablet, my computer gives me headaches and all my readers can go to hell. I also love to play football, listen to french chansons and eat health food. I never drink, don't smoke, don't like to drive faster than 35km/h and coffee is made by the devil.
That last one might be true, thank you Satan!

8. What days do you update the comic?

Roland van Duijn
Usually monday, wednesday and friday. Real life sometimes interferes and people will have to do a week (or 2 months) without an update. It makes me feel a tad guilty once in a while, but that's nothing a good swing of Ballentine's can't cure.

9. Favourite game?

Roland van Duijn
Ouch. I'll have to confess here I'm not much of a gamer. I used to rock at Tetris, have several C&C games, have a Worms2 cd somewhere and I've hijacked my little brother's X-Box more than once for a round of Burnout3 with some mates and a crate of beer.
I know that some of my characters are from several games, but I think that the reactions "oooh, I remember that" and "I like your webcomic, it brings back memories" say enough.

10. Anything you would like to add?

Roland van Duijn

Well that concludes the interview with the creator of Sorry for the Inconvenience, Roland van Duijn. I would personally like to thank him for giving us something entertaining to read.

The truth behind the pudding... why does it sound so sexy?

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