Home » Comic Profiles » I am the Walrus
I am the Walrus
The continuing adventures of a man and his walrus. In the immortal words of John Cougar, 'Two shlemiels doin' the best they can.'. Buddy and Walrus are the best of friends, a Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn for the modern age. Buddy has a job as a Junior administrative assistant at the local asbestos factory. He feels he's 'made it', his reality has exceeded his dreams. Walrus works at the cannery, stuffing sardines into little cans all day. Although Walrus loves sardines, he feels he's wasted his life. Such is their dynamic, Buddy as eternal optimist, Walrus as the misanthropic, malcontent. Together they make a lovely team. Walrus, as Buddy describes so eloquently, is like a strong black cup of coffee an acquired taste. Buddy and Walrus aren’t completely isolated, mind you, along the way they encounter many interesting characters; there's Postman, a laconic sage-like character, with a mysterious past, whom they met at the deli around the corner; the industrious Mr. Tsing, who runs the swingin' hot dog shack they frequent almost daily for their black coffee; Then there's Parsley, Buddy's on again off again girlfriend, who has a penchant for tearing down Buddy's self-esteem; and of course there's Goldberg the goldfish who lives in Walrus's pond, a retired comic from the catskills. So sit back, relax, have a cup of steaming black coffee and enjoy yourself as you enter their complex world.. They're all fine folks one and all I assure you, and they're anxious to meet you…
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