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Helix Industries
In the year 2199, civilisation consists of a collection of city-states, seperated by miles and miles of uninhabitable wilderness. Some are eager to trade with other cities, but the more isolated ones have become increasingly insular.
The city-state of Anika is one of the economic and technological powers of this new world. It is owned, run and controlled by Helix Industries, a corporation that began as a scientific research facility. From the media to the factories to the shops, every legal enterprise in Anika belongs, in some way, to the Helix Corporation. Even the people of Anika are the corporation's property.
But things are changing. A rebel group calling themselves 'Freedom' have begun to fight against the corporation. And rumors have leaked onto the streets that Helix Industries is carrying out genetic experiments on human beings.
It's the year 2199. The battle for the new century is beginning.
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