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Therpan Idols

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Genre: Furry
Date Added: 2 October 2007
Last Update: 2 October 2007
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Current Comic Ranking: 14513/26237
Views This Month: 51   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 31   (More...)
Favourite of: 1 members
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Lizkay doesn't know who are her real parents, Rango found her still unhatched in an egg in the deep Mogonmeo forrest. The only thing her real relatives left was a green band wrapped around the egg, she wears that band as headband now. Rango was like a father for her and his real son Mika was like a real brother for her, she learned everything about the culture and also about fighting with the Turaroque rods from them and her new two friends Thenga and Dimi.

She was never that highly interested in all the Idol Believes Therpa owns, a few of the citizens tend to call her faith-less because of that, but the main reason for her not to believe is that she didn't find her personal idol yet. Her biggest goal in life is to find out what happened to her real family, there are rumors going around about an old noble family who completely died out in one of the empire wars, the tales tell that only members of this old Gryfary gender have a tufted tail, just like Lizkay has.

Current synopsis by: butterfly-dragon
Current image by: butterfly-dragon

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