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Infrequency, A three's war on fear.
An ambitious project to fight an hard to win war, Templar Boe, Boethius and Mr. Darren Lawson together fight a war on fear utilising resources accross the web and on the front line in video game realms.
That's the creative description now if you'll allow me to offer a more funtionable one I'll do so.
I'm trying to create a new sort of comic, well I think it's new, that is unique to the web it's a story that the reader has to chase up with each comic panel being held within one screen refresh.
That perhaps doesn't make sense so I'll try to bring clarity by further explaining the storyline. Templar Boe, Boethius and Mr. Darren Lawson are fighting a real, emphasise the real, war on fear. Their chosen battlefield is the web and video games. Boethius records outcomes at Roundhall our webquarters, Templar Boe fights within the video game realms with Mr. Darren Lawson in embodiment of him!
Ok that's too far too soon I'm sure the idea is perhaps less clear now so let me go back to where I left off, follow the three's war on fear starting at the LIVE spaces blog I specify.
As I've said this is an ambitious project and will be on going until the war is won so I'll thank you for your consideration.
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