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The Night Owls

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Genre: Weird
Date Added: 8 March 2008
Last Update: 7 March 2008
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Current Comic Ranking: 15214/26237
Views This Month: 4   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 30   (More...)
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"The Night Owls" is a Detective Agency set in New York City in the 1920s and specializing in cases that involve the supernatural. Professor Ernest Baxter is the brains of the operation, utilizing his vast knowledge of all things weird to right the wrongs that leave ordinary police baffled! He's a bit of a bookworm, and allergic to sunlight, but his inquisitive nature has led to the downfall of many of New York's deadliest demons! Of course, he couldn't have done it without Mindy Markus. She's a feisty flapper that's put the hurt on a lot of nocturnal nasties! Don't try to tell her she can't fight the forces of evil because she's just a girl, unless you're looking for a face full of feminine fist, that is! Then there's Roscoe, the Gargoyle. He's a tough little bruiser from the Bronx, more at home at the dinner table than on a church roof. Together, they solve the crimes that no one else can solve! When you suspect your wife is a werewolf, when you're haunted by a petulant poltergeist, or caught in the trap of a vicious vampire, your best chance of survival is the Night Owls!

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