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Velut Stella

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Genre: Manga
Date Added: 25 November 2004
Last Update: 22 May 2010
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Current Comic Ranking: 12714/26237
Views This Month: 3   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 37   (More...)
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In the year 150 RB, after the Second Ice Age, the world remains an economical, social and environmental wreck. Many colonies struggle to pay off debts incurred by the central government, which in turn tries to bring back the former-glory of the world's forests--much in vain. The various cities and slums, in theory controlled by the government, though that is often not the case, have taken to an economy mainly based off of crime. With the religious Faithkeepers having split from the rest of the society they deemed 'unholy', most of the world is ruled by various sects of a not-so-underground mafia, and the carious gangs that influence the mayors. The Clean humans (those who were born naturally and do not poison their systems with drugs, smoking, or cosmetic surgery) are constantly stalked by those that are called the Organ Harvesters, who do much as their name implies--take the organs of the Clean for sale on the black market for those that are in need of certain new body parts.
This is the world of the future, this is the world of...

Velut Stella.

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