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Menage a 3

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Genre: Mature
Date Added: 17 May 2008
Last Update: 25 March 2017
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 103/26237
Views This Month: 33553   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 3403   (More...)
Favourite of: 478 members
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

People who like this comic also like: Dragonaur, Chasing the Sunset, LinT, awakened, The, Dreamless
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Set in Montreal, the finest bohemian city in North America, Menage a 3 follows the lives of comic book geek Gary and his way-sexier-than-he-is roomates in their Montreal tight-as-a-sandwhich apartment; where the walls are so thin there are virtually no barriers between their rooms.

Expect some good laughs with some sexy spice.

Current synopsis by: Gonzomatic
Current image by: Gisele

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The below opinions reflect the views of the users of this site and are not in any way the views of The Webcomic List.

YourWebcomicIsBad 4/5
Yeah there\'s a lot of sex jokes. Some of us like sex jokes, ya know.

Great art, great characters, plot progression isn\'t too slow. A transexual character who ISN\'T defined by their sexuality. How often does that happen in a webcomic?

Don\'t let the negitive reviews put you off. This a very enjoyable comic.
... and the RSS problem has been fixed, presumably by removing the non-ASCII characters in the title. Thanks! :)
Favouriting this comic breaks the RSS form of the favourite list completely, presumably because of the non-ASCII characters in the title.

If you use (or want to use) RSS, you should favourite 544/Menage-a-3 instead.

At least until someone fixes the RSS generation ...
controlspire 5/5
Best comic I have found in a long time, the story, tone, and delivery are all spectacular!
Lordyv23 5/5
This comic is a must see for everyone. I like the story honestly. I remember my college days when I am living in an boarding house. We have girls our house and its ohhh terrible...LOL!!!makes me rember..Good old days...
staresblankly 4/5
Just a lighthearted, over-the-top comic. If you want drama, you are not going to find it here :D
A good read.
Entropy 2/5
I gave it a good long try. I\'ll admit the T&A and perversion caused me to give it a longer try than I otherwise might have, but ultimately the story or funny have to carry a strip and this one just doesn\'t have enough of either.
Karnage83 4/5
few comics but fell in love, the neuroticism, the comedy, and the art drew me to an insta add to my fav.

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