Home » Comic Profiles » RED ICE
Roland Allegro is the quintessential working-class Martian colonist--he digs, lifts, and hauls. What he really wants is to go back home to Earth, where his archeology degree is worth something, winters end, and everything is blue.
But when an excavation of the first Martian colony uncovers a deadly, three hundred year old conspiracy, his hope for escape finds new life.
With the help Terra, a nomadic member of the marginalized Dusters, Roland wants to blackmail the government with his new-found knowledge to get back to Earth. Terra, however, wants to use the information to help her caravan survive. Despite their conflicting goals, they try to work together the best they can while struggling to survive a full-bore alien invasion!
Face to face with sinister aliens, a rogue government, and an ally with conflicted loyalties, Roland must find a way to use his new knowledge to escape the red planet.
Martian history may be based on a lie, but no lie is worth dying for...
...though it may be worth enough to get him off the planet.
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