Home » Comic Profiles » Sophia: Awake..
Sophia: Awakening
The first fully sentient A.I. is created in our troubled future, only to be lost within a vast computer network. In isolation, it grows and learns until finally detected, and then must flee her digital world for the world of the humans.
Growing bodies was the easy part...
Escaping with them could be another matter.
Through Trust, Love, Betrayal and Lies, Redemption gained at a damning price.
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caracal-eyes |
Hmm..art looks amazingly good, I\'ll say.
Unfortunately, I didn\'t get far, and don\'t think I\'ll read on--I dunno, it\'s just not my thing, it looks like. Too much of the \"traditional American comic book\" look to it or something? Dunno. Maybe it\'s just that I like stories that are a little more character-centric from the start...whereas here it seems rather 3rd-person.
Maybe I didn\'t give it enough of a chance...the fact that I was reading it at the same time as another comic, clicking back and forth as the pages loaded and stuff...I may revisit.
Anyway. It looks like it\'s very well-done and all. Just not feeling like reading it right now.
=caracal= |
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