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Clockwork Game: The Illustrious Career of a Chess-Playing Automaton
In 1770, the court of Empress Maria Theresa witnessed one of that era's most amazing feats of engineering: a machine that could play chess. Artfully constructed by a talented Hungarian nobleman named Wolfgang von Kempelen, The Turk played a unique game against each opponent, far surpassing the abilities of all its fellow automata. Audiences across Europe flocked to see the astonishing mechanical marvel seemingly capable of human intelligence.
The Turk survived its creator by several decades, touring as far away as the United States and Cuba and playing against many famous opponents. Through the years, its fame has inspired tales both true and fictional, mundane and fantastic, all of them captivating.
Clockwork Game is a mostly-true story, a dramtization of actual historical events, retold with as little conjecture as possible. Some characters, whose names and histories were lost to the predations of time, had to be created almost entirely from whole cloth. Strong—but not ironclad—proof exists for the actions depicted in certain scenes. And, of course, dialogue and personalities had to be invented, based on whatever writings were available.
Current synopsis by: butterfly-dragon Current image by: butterfly-dragon
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skythorn |
Lovely line work and quite impressive use of hatching (hachure) for a webcomic. An enticing storyline and I look forward to seeing how this work proceeds. I do like b/w artwork.
I shan\'t give a star rating until a bit further on. But so far, bloody nice work! |
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