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Zim and Eugene
Zim was born in Blighty (Great Britain) to a Greek mother and a very English father who took absolutely no interest in him what-so-ever until he started talking “tripe”. This necessitated a response; quite often a command to cease and desist.
Zim’s first 5 years were spent in Amman , Jordan , memories of which are faint save a vignette here and there… the smell of roasted nuts from a street vendor; riding in the back seat of the Sunbeam Talbot with his older brother, stopping to get a closer look at a large snake basking on the road; swinging around and around the tap that stood in the center of a granite tub in the garden; banging his head on the (granite) table in the garden as he scooted under it in his pedal car or trike. Small things, but indelibly etched.
From age 6 through 13 Zim lived on a dairy farm in New Zealand, developing a fondness for animals (nothing deviant) and the smells and textures of the “country life”. He was sent away to “boarding school” at 14 and then re-united with his family when they moved to the city several years later. He dropped out of High School, working as a car detailer for Nissan where he became besotted with a plain, but pliable girl who worked in the Accounts Department. The relationship ended abruptly when Zim suggested a threesome to spice things up; she was actually amenable to the idea until she learned Zim just wanted her to operate the camera.
Despite his slightly kinked (but never fully realised) sexuality, Zim is a political conservative and constantly talks up the USA while excoriating liberals, whose opinions and antics infuriate him. He determined that it was time to venture away from New Zealand and employing all the fiscal discipline he could muster, he saved enough money for the air-fare to London, England, the land of his birth.
After a brief “honeymoon” period; pub-crawling and sight-seeing, Zim settled into a small lower apartment, or “flat” in Tooting, South London and set about looking for a job. He was employed within a week, working as a “go-’fer” for a company called “the Agency”, where he met Eugene, someone with whom he felt he shared alot in common.
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